Try out our Weekly Community Polls

Nico Thometzki

Today, we are happy to announce a new small update that should bring in a little more life into our Fabmeta website: Weekly Posted Community Polls!

Since we currently don't have any way of providing community driven content (yet), we thought it might be a nice idea to have Weekly Community Polls with a single question where users can voice their opinion on the matter.

Every week we will post a new question with multiple different answers you can choose from. After answering the question, you will see the current result until we post the next week. Simple as that. Questions will always be posted on the Home Page of Fabmeta.

We hope you enjoy this little addition. Let's see what interesting results we will get!

This week, we will start with a simple question: "What kind of tournament prizes would you prefer?". Since LSS changed their prize pool from Cold Foil Promo Cards to mostly Card Sleeves, it would be exciting to see what you guys think about this change.

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