To stay competitive in the Flesh and Blood TCG you have to keep testing and playing, but it's not always easy to do that, especially with a global virus stopping us from meeting people in person. Fortunately, the Tabel Tob Simulator and the Mod FaB OSC exist, so people can play over the internet together and stay competitive without risking their health.
FABMETA also supports the use of the Table Top Simulator, so you can easily play and test the pro-level decks. For each deck a TTS link exists, which you can use to load in a specific deck. To do that, you have to look for a deck you like, copy the TTS link, which is provided at the top section of each deck. Then paste it into the TTS OSC Mod and press the TPZ-Button. The deck should now be ready for playing.
I hope you enjoy this feature. In the future we will also support deck building, so you can load in your own decks into TTS.