Briar - Tier 2

By Brendan Patrick (8764) on 24-Oct-2021

This hero reached the Living Legend status. It is no longer legal to play this hero in a competitive format.
Play this Deck on
Brendan Patrick
$791.09 on TCGPlayer Buy
4th Place
14% Conversion (Top 8 to 1st)
Tier 2
1x Arcanite Skullcap
1x Crown of Dichotomy
1x Grasp of the Arknight
1x Nullrune Gloves
1x Nullrune Robe
1x Fyendal's Spring Tunic
1x Reaping Blade
1x Rosetta Thorn
1x Spellbound Creepers
There are no sideboard cards - Is this your deck and you want to add the sideboard? Contact me here.
Main Deck
3x Enlightened Strike
3x Scar for a Scar
3x Sink Below
3x Snatch
3x Command and Conquer
1x Fate Foreseen
3x Plunder Run Banned
3x Ravenous Rabble
3x Vigor Rush
3x Sonata Arcanix
3x Bramble Spark
3x Burgeoning
3x Channel Mount Heroic
3x Autumn's Touch
3x Stir the Wildwood
3x Ninth Blade of the Blood Oath
2x Bramble Spark
1x Pulse of Candlehold
3x Tome of the Arknight
3x Earthlore Surge
3x Autumn's Touch
3x Force of Nature
3x Sow Tomorrow
2x Tome of Harvests
3x Weave Earth
1x Gorganian Tome
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